The Temptation In Many Pulpits Today Is To Give People What They Want To Hear. The Immediate Benefits Are Many.
1. Judgement won’t come.
A. Things will go along as they are. 2 Peter 3:4
B. God overlooks all sin. (Jer. 23:24) Isaiah 29:15, 47:10
C. It will surprise modern man. Matt. 24:44
2. If it comes, it won’t be bad.
A. This was from the begininning. Gen. 3:4
B. The Believer is delivered out of common afflictions. (Not ones
coming from chastening.) Psalm 34:19
3. God would never injure His people.
A. A good parent brings effective chastening. (How can it motivate unless it hurts?)
Heb. 12:11
B. A loving parent brings chastening over sin. Rev. 3:19
C. David feared it. Psalm 6:1
D. It is evident today. 1 Cor. 11:32
4. It is to change people who don’t want to change.
A. For our profit. Heb. 12:10