We Must Recognize Our True Condition Before We Honestly Seek A Remedy.
Psalm 51:8, Psalm 23:4 (rod)
1. Brokeness comes in several ways.
A. God can break us. Psalm 3:7
B. Recognition of our sins and failures can break us. Psalm 69:20
2. Man’s efforts at fixing is always a failure.
A. Adam & Eve’s attempts. Gen. 3:21
B. Israel’s attempts. Isaiah 1:13
C. Religious without works. James 2:20
D. Religious without faith. Gal. 2:16, 3:20
3. Brokeness with repentance brings blessings.
A. Closeness with God. Psalm 34:18
B. Pleasing to God. Psalm 51:17
C. Healing of the soul. Psalm 147:3
God Wants To Mold and Shape Us Into Vessels That Will Bring Glory To Him !
1. God often compares mankind to pottery. Isaiah 64:8
A. Enemies of God to be broken as pottery. (Jer. 18:6) Rev. 2:27
B. Jesus was betrayed for money used to buy “the place of broken things”,
or potter’s field. Matt. 27:7-10, Zech. 11:13
2. Pottery must be pliable, or it will turn out wrong.
A. Resistance to God’s Hand is wrong. Isaiah 45:9
B. God should be able to use it for any purpose. John 9:6
3. Human pottery has specific purposes.
A. To be a place for the Holy Spirit. Matt. 25:4, 1 Cor. 6:19
B. To contain the knowledge of God. 2 Cor. 4:7
C. To be separate for the glory of God. 2 Tim. 2:20-21
4. Human pottery can be dangerous.
A. It can be used to hurt others.
B. In rebellion it can be used to cover up light. Luke 8:16
C. It can be vindictive. (Jer. 18:18)