This entry is part 2 of 46 in the series Jeremiah

Part 1


A Behind The Scenes Look at Jeremiah’s Messages

1. The Importance and Holiness of Word From The Lord (Jeremiah 2:1-2)
A. It was vital to hear God’s Unchanging Word. MAL. 3:6, 2 COR.1:18-19
B. It was important to retain the purity of God’s Word. PRO. 30:5
C. It was important because it contained instruction. 2 TIM. 3:16
– For the prophet on when and how to give it.
– For the listener on what to do with it.

2. The Word Often Brings Up Forgotten Events. (Jeremiah 2:2-3)
A. QUESTION – Why were they forgotten ? EZEK. 23:35, JER. 13:25
B. QUESTION – Would they have been mentioned if the listener had already
learned the lesson from them ?
EX. 13:3, PS. 32:8

3. The Word Is Complete. (Jeremiah 2:4-37)
A. It tells the problem. JER. 2:11-13
B. It reminds people why the problem exists. (JER. 2:19 – Went Back)
C. It tells what will happen if a solution isn’t found. (JER. 2:36-37)
       EZEK. 33:7, 1 THES. 5:14
D. It tells of the solution. (In Part 2…)

~ Part 2 ~
The Issues Between God and A Sinful Nation

1. The People Did Not Trust God. (“In God We Trust” – Just a Saying?)
Typical explanations (lies)-
– We do, but God can work through other nations
– We do, but the little things? God isn’t interested.
– We do, but there’s no real problem right now. Things are good.

2. The people forgot their origins. (JER. 2:32)
A. Their miraculous beginnings. JER. 2:2-3
B. Was once a nation of justice. Now picks on the innocent. JER. 2:34
– Does defense of the poor justify injustice? John 12:5-8
– Trusting in their own defenses. HOSEA 8:14
C. Too distracted by their blessings. HOSEA 13:6

3. The People Refuse to Repent.
A. Cannot hide their sin. (JER. 2:22) MATT. 12:26
B. Ashamed. (JER. 2:26) People ashamed of God. LUKE 9:26
– Shame as a part of the repentance opportunity. 2 THES. 3:14
– Can be avoided by doing right. 2 TIM. 2:15
C. Will turn to God when nothing else works. (JER. 2:27-29)
– God permits it only for a while. 2 CHRON. 15:4
D. Feels that just changing their ways will make them more acceptable to God.
(JER. 2:36-37) HEB. 11:6
E. The necessity of faith and trust has been omitted by them.